Delicious 1000 Calorie Meal Ideas For Your Weight Loss Goals

Delicious and Nutritious: Discover the Best 1000 Calorie Meal Ideas for Your Weight Loss Plan

Want to lose weight? By consuming a 1000 calorie meal, you can regulate your weight if you wish. For an effective diet, nutrition professionals recommend a daily energy intake of between  1000 and 1200 calories per day for a woman and between 1500 and 1700 kcal for a man.

To help you easily compose your menus, we offer a food guide by food category. To go further, read our article ” How do you take a 1000 calorie meal as a result of proper success in your diet? “.

The first table shows the foods you can combine for the three main meals of the day.
If you don’t want to stick to the diet, you may use it as a starting point for creating a single day or week plan based on your preferences or what you have on hand.

Our Opinion For Weight Loss

It is not because we drastically reduce our daily intake that we make the best diets. Be sure to choose a balanced and diverse diet. We suggest adding starchy carbohydrates to each of your three big meals to help prevent snacking after a meal (see table of equivalences which allows you to vary the meals).

Our Opinion For Weight Loss

Do not forget to practice regular physical activity, it allows you to increase your energy expenditure and tip the scales in the right direction! It’s not about getting into long hours of athletics every day; it’s about walking fast climbing the stairs, not the elevator swimming or cycling


During the first 1/2 hour of physical activity, your body draws the energy it needs from your available sugar reserve; when this reserve is “consumed,” your body will then draw on your adipose tissue (= fat). Conclusion: try to eat after exercise.

We advise you not to stop your diet abruptly. Otherwise, you will gain weight rapidly and incorporate the foods you have removed over the weeks, and continue with low-calorie recipes tested for you. They are tasty and easy to make.

If You Want To Follow A Higher-Calorie Diet, Check Out The Cottage Cheese Weight Loss Diet Plan.

Weight Loss diet plan

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Lean defatted meat   (you are entitled to 200 calories)

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Or 30 g of lean ham (1 thin slice)

Fish (you are entitled to 200 calories)

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Weighed, raw vegetable (you are entitled to 1000 calorie meal)

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Cheese or dairy (you are entitled to 90 calories)

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Avoid Syrup Fruits – Dried Fruits – Original Fruits For Weight Loss

Fruit (you are entitled to 100- calories)

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You can, if you wish, incorporate a low-calorie soup. Consult our low-calorie soup recipes.

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Comme J’aime: A Diet To Be Avoided!

It is impossible to miss the commercials for the “Comme J’aime” regime. The principle is simple: ready meals, delivered to your home, put in the microwave for 2 minutes: poor quality food, tiny proportions, and stomach cramps. There are thousands of disappointments. Some cry scandal in the face of an inevitable yoyo effect. Today, we take a deep dive into this diet to lose weight quickly. “As I like”: A Low 1000 Calorie Meal Diet

It is enough to bring up the “Comme J’aime” diet in public for criticism to rain. Scandal! Propaganda! Scam! Too expensive! In short, the opinions are not favorable. Nevertheless, we wanted to make our own opinion by deciphering this trendy weight loss diet from A to Z.


Only 1000 Calorie Meal Per Day!

Comme J’aime, for starters, is based on a traditional low-calorie diet. Thus, weight loss is simply the result of eating fewer calories than usual.


The principle is simple. Take the example of a passive woman whom we will call Julie. Julie is 32 years old and weighs 75 kg for 1.65 m. Therefore, its caloric needs are 2100 Calories per day. With a daily intake of 2100 Calories, Julie will keep her weight stable. If she consumes more, she will get fat. Conversely, she will lose weight.

According to our estimates, the basic Like I Like diet delivers around 748 calories a day, with a chocolate snack of 134 calories to round out the picture. With an intake of fewer than 1000 calories Meal per day, it is therefore not surprising that this diet makes you lose weight quickly!

Different Caloric Intakes According To The Formulas

Weight Loss Formulas

Comme J’aime offers three formulas: Basic, Balance, and Dynamic.

  • The Basic formula provides 1000+ calories on its three meal. According to our calculations, we are instead at 882 Calories.
  • The Balance formula provides 1000+ 350 calorie meal/day (1068 kcal according to us).
  • According to our calculations, the Dynamic formula provides 1000+ 500 Calories with three meals and two snacks (1202 kcal).

In addition, the Comme J’aime program encourages consumers to eat fruit and dairy products during the day (not included in the package).

You will be able to choose one formula over another based on your size and daily energy use. Even with the most common Equilibre formula, which claims to provide 1350 kcal per day, this will never be adequate to fulfill the demands and health of the average overweight person. Someone is used to eating twice as many calories. Overnight, you change your entire diet with a sudden drop in your energy intake. It is indeed one of the worst strategies to lose weight effectively over time and adopt good eating habits.

Calorie Intake Lower Than Basal Metabolic Rate


You should know that to lose weight over a long period, Julie should never fall below 1531 Calories per day to make her body work properly. This is called basal metabolism. Below this, your diet does not meet your incompressible energy needs to operate your brain, your heart, your homeostasis, or even your various biochemical functions. Therefore, to lose weight without risk to her health, Julie must consume between 1531 Calories and 2100 Calories daily.

With a daily intake of  meal+/- 1000 Calorie, the Comme J’aime diet is clearly off to a bad start!

Also, read The Diet Plan: Yes You Can Diet Plan

How Many Pounds Can You Weight Lose With Comme J’aime?

According to the site, you can aim for a weight loss of:

  • 1 month = 1 to 3 kg.
  • 2 months = 4 to 6 kg.
  • 4 months = 7 to 11 kg.
  • 6 months = 12 to 16 kg.
  • 8 months = More than 17 kg.


 Fat Loss, But Not Only

As Chloe’s testimonial on Wie J’aime site, which dropped 24 kg in three months, you’ll quickly reduce fat and muscular mass. What happened after the diet was over?

We know that rapid weight loss is terrible from a hormonal and muscular perspective, without mentioning the yoyo effect.


To Lose Weight, Rebalance Food

If you want to lose weight, ban diets and turn to dietary rebalancing. Diets cause frustration, hunger pangs, and chronic fatigue. In addition, there is a figure without tone because of the atrophy of muscles. To continue with the many daily duties and get sufficient energy for practicing sports, we recommend that you adopt a low-calorie diet. By rebalancing your diet gradually, you will lose weight by drawing mainly on your fat reserves. As a result, weight loss will be slower but lasting, thanks to new eating habits.


What About The Nutritional Balance Of The Comme J’aime Diet?

What About The Nutritional Balance

Regarding nutritional balance, particularly the distribution of macronutrients, we recommend daily for an ordinary person, a contribution of 1.2 g of protein per kilo of the body (1.5 g / kg for athletes) and 1 g / kg of lipids. Carbohydrates will augment the remaining nutritious intake. This respect for the balance between proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates makes it possible to be in good health and lose weight in the best conditions.

For comparison, let’s analyze the nutritional intake on a typical day Comme J’aime:


“Like” Menu: Daily Calorie Intake

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To show you the nutritional imbalances of the Comme J’aime diet, we have indicated the consistent intakes that Julie should have as part of a nutritional rebalancing to lose weight. The numbers speak for themselves! As a reminder, the amount of energy in 1 g of carbohydrates and proteins is 4 Calories, while 1 g of fat provides 9 Calories.

The Comme J’aime Diet Is Not Suitable For Serene And Safe Weight Loss In Terms Of Nutritional Balance.

Major protein, fat, and carbohydrate restriction would surely result in quick weight reduction and significant weariness, lack of energy, concentration issues, and even serious long-term health problems.

Diet Is Not Ideal For Nutritionally Balanced, Tranquil And Safe Weight Reduction.

To lose weight, it is not essential to carry out this type of drastic diet. On the contrary, by extending your weight loss and increasing your calorie intake, you will be putting all the chances on your side to reach your goal in better conditions.

Industrial Power

On paper, this diet inevitably has everything to seduce! After a telephone interview with a Comme J’aime advisor, you will receive your meals at home within 48 hours. From there, no more shopping or washing up. Instead, you have to place your food container for 2 minutes in the microwave or 10 minutes in a bain-marie, and voila! Only, what about the nutritional quality of these dishes?

When we discourage industrial dishes and processed foods, Comme J’aime is nevertheless in line with this tradition. All the dishes offered are derived from an industrial feed with a low nutritional density. The amount of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants is thus meager compared to caloric intake.

Of course, cooking homemade meals with fresh, seasonal foods takes more time, but the quality of your food will have nothing to do with it! In addition, it will be easier for you to lose weight without regaining it. Cutting up a few vegetables, steaming them, and starting your oven to cook roast pork is within everyone’s reach! Finally, simple homemade recipes will allow you to acquire new eating habits that will last over time.

Also read: Eat well: 50 Foods You Should Never Eat-It’s Not Difficult To Learn.

An Inevitable Yoyo Effect With Comme J’aime

With Comme J’aime, beyond poor quality food, one of the main problems with this diet is the yoyo effect. After 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months, you will no longer have dishes like I like to put in the microwave. So what are you going to do? Indeed like the vast majority of people, namely insidiously resuming your old (bad) eating habits. And regaining all your lost pounds, or even more.

Like I like: how much does it cost?

Comme J’aime offers 3 formulas:

  • Basic, from 89 dollars per week.
  • Balance, from 92 dollars per week (the most popular according to the site).
  • Dynamic, from 99 dollars per week.

However, when we look at the prices, we see that they are skyrocketing quickly (you have to pay for the many commercials). In reality, these call prices stated above apply for an eight-month subscription. Below, the bill becomes saltier.

“Like” prices – Reduction included

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As a consequence, the weekly membership will cost twice as much as it was originally indicated.

Is It Satisfied Or Refunded?

We have all seen it on TV: “Test for one week, it’s satisfied or your money back.” Please note, this is not a free Like I like program week. In reality, you cannot order a single week. This offer only works on a one-month commitment. So if you subscribe for 1 month and are not satisfied after 7 days, you can resend the remaining 3 weeks at your expense. You will receive a complete refund except for the shipping cost. The argument, therefore, seems genuine.

However, some clients will be scared if you want to cancel after 7 days. The rule is clear as the first discount cancels and becomes a cancellation charge.

To calculate your termination fee, follow these steps:

  • Number of months completed = A
  • Monthly payment of the signed contract = B
  • Monthly payment corresponding to the contract for the number of months performed = C
  • Termination fees = (A x C) – (A x B)

For example, for a six-month membership in the Equilibrium formula, Julie paid $409 each month. It terminates after 2 months. Comment Jaime’s pricing conditions provide for a monthly payment of $ 509 for 2-month contracts. The cancellation fee Like I like will thus be: (2 x 509) – (2 x 409) = $ 200.

Regarding your 14-day withdrawal period, it is valid on the condition you return the entire package received. It is never a good idea to open food trays. Like any contract, we advise you to send a letter by registered letter acknowledging receipt to terminate it.

A Coach Motivated By Bonuses

Coaching is done via a telephone interview at Comme J’aime during the stabilization period. Some users argue that sales associates or contact center agents offer this service. However, we found a job offer with a dietetic degree required to apply for this dietetic coach job.

More unexpectedly, the variable premium of 200 dollars each month + different premiums uncapped. Therefore, we understand best why the Comme J’aime trainers are empathetic to enhance clients’ morals and attempt to market them several auxiliary items, including food supplements, which will increase the already expensive cost.

No Sport!

The practice of sports on the Comme J’aime site is by no means promoted or promoted. On the contrary, it is regrettable since a healthy diet and regular sports practice would make it possible to lose weight without the yoyo effect. However, given the number of calories ingested, we doubt that Comme J’aime users have enough energy left to complete their workout.


Comme J’aime Is Our Opinion About Weight Loss

Comme J’aime, like many diets, rightly stirs up criticism. However, when food rebalancing and sports practice have primarily proven their worth in lasting weight loss, we regret that diets of this type are still on the rise.

What We Think About Weight Loss

The Comme J’aime program does not expect to consume brown rice or foods with high nutritional quality. Weight loss is only feasible with a large reduction in caloric intake. Do you need 1800 Calories to lose weight in the best conditions? Never worry, with Comme J’aime, you will eat less than a 1000 calorie meal to lose weight as rapidly as possible, regardless of your exhaustion, stomach cramps, or health. Of course, it’s not stated on the Comme J’aime website, unlike many other testimonials from members who have lost tens of pounds in a matter of months. But, a year later, how many of them did they return?


In short, we cannot repeat it enough, this type of diet is not the right solution if you want to lose weight permanently. For long-term results, be sure to change your diet in terms of quality and quantity gradually. Learn how to eat better week after week with simple homemade recipes. Value healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, white meat, fish, and vegetable oils. Finally, combine this diet with regular sports practice, you will put all the chances on your side to lose weight without the yoyo effect.


finding delicious and nutritious meal ideas that are also low in calories can be a challenging task, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. However, by exploring the best 1000 calorie meal ideas, you can discover a variety of tasty and healthy options that will help you meet your weight loss goals without sacrificing flavor. With the right ingredients and preparation, you can enjoy satisfying meals that provide essential nutrients while keeping your calorie intake in check. So, whether you’re looking for breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas, there are plenty of tasty options to choose from that will help you stay on track with your weight loss plan.

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